In a 2016 report of New York City’s homeless program by the Department of Social Services, the administration called for an integrated management structure under an agency to support shared servers, minimize costs and streamline processes for its homeless prevention and re-housing programs. The re-housing and landlord management initiatives helped streamline the process of removing clients out of shelters and moving them into permanent housing and improving business relationships with landlords.

The DSS workers faced challenges while recruiting landlords to their programs, as it involved a burdensome paper-based application. The process required landlords to submit documents multiple times for each tenant that introduced many errors in the process. This became a burden for landlords, wastes agency resources, and slows down the process of moving clients out of shelters.

Through the re-housing program, DSS issued more than 350,000 paper checks, which the administration found to be inefficient, expensive, and not the ideal payment method for their landlords. DSS wanted to implement an intuitive landlord management solution that helps them meet their goals that comprise of three components:

  • Landlord Management System
  • Landlord Portal
  • Integration Services

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