The Opportunity

The Smart City Mission in India covers 100 cities in the country, Thanjavur being one of them.

The opportunity was to develop Thanjavur as a people-centric city with a good living and working environment, along with being a knitwear hub of India. This required a holistic approach based on pragmatic solutions to provide a better quality of life through amenities such as improved transportation, housing situation, SWM, energy & water availability, safety, and security in the city.

The impact of this e-governance solution for Thanjavur Smart City has been the real-time monitoring, data collation, and response management of the various facets of the smart city.

About Thanjavur Smart City   

Thanjavur, a city in Tamil Nadu’s central region, is known for its culture and architecture. The Ministry of Urban Development shortlisted the city as one of India’s 100 smart cities.

Smart City Mission (SCM) is the flagship initiative of the Government of India in the urban development sector, under which 100 cities are to be developed under this centrally sponsored scheme in collaboration with State Governments.

Since Thanjavur is a city of rich cultural and historical importance, the vision for a smart city emphasizes enhancing the identity of the city as the “Cultural Capital of Tamil Nadu”, along with being the provision of resilient infrastructure and a sustainable environment.

Download our complete case study to learn more about the solutions offered and the impact of the Thanjavur Smart City project.

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The Opportunity

The Smart City Mission by the Government of India covers a hundred cities in India, and Thoothukudi is one of them. The vision for the city of Thoothukudi was to ‘be a city where the local government is in-sync with the citizenry that is, in turn, aware and has a sense of ownership for the city’.

There was an opportunity to design and implement sustainable, technology-oriented solutions to usher in a paradigm shift in how the city functions, engages with citizens, delivers services, mobility, safety and revives the economic character around heritage & culture to benefit the citizens and administration on the lines of “doing more with less”.

The impact of this e-governance solution for Thoothukudi Smart City has been the real-time monitoring, data collation, and response management of the various facets of the smart city.

Download our case study to learn more about the solution and impact of Thoothukudi Smart City.

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The importance of e-governance in smart cities is inherent, in fact, it is the very foundation of running a smart city. Let’s discover the role of e-governance and how it regulates and manages the functioning of smart cities.

Data-Driven Governance

Smart cities have autonomous systems that would collect real-time information from everything like traffic management to forecasting weather to make better plans and decisions. These smart cities follow a data-driven administration mode to make sure that they are catering to their citizens to the best of their abilities. From targeting the root causes of problems to managing opportunities and creating solutions, data would surely empower the government of these smart cities.

The administrative agencies use the information to analyze anything from specific analysis of high disease rates in definitive areas to general data analysis for housing & infrastructure plan. The right information helps eGovernance.

Network Convergence

Network convergence means the bridging together of separate digital systems to ensure the timely delivery of high-speed internet. With network convergence, the public can get more flexible modes for communication and the right to information online. Smart cities will see more wireless connections offering a centralized system. This will not only help the people of the smart cities and the government in scrutinizing the people, but it would also enable the businesses to model state-of-the-art excellent business plans for the future.

Challenges in Smart Cities & eGovernance

The smart city initiative was launched back in 2015 but is still going through several odds and challenges. Whether we talk about the illiteracy rates, their resistance to change, or the data breach risks, there are several challenges that are hindering the progress of smart cities in India.

Trends in Smart Cities & eGovernance

For smooth eGovernance in the country, especially the smart cities, the government requires the use of more than one channel. Until now, the government has been using pathways like social media applications, SMS services, voice-prompted interfaces, smartphone applications, and many more. In the coming times, there are several trends that are expected to change the way smart cities and eGovernance works in India.

Faster Connectivity with 5G

The buzzword in the communications space is 5G. It comes with higher bandwidth and better speed, resultantly, 5G offers much faster connectivity. Smart cities would surely be seen using this network technology to have better and faster communication. Moreover, using 5G, eGovernance systems can be completed in half the time taken. And it wouldn’t go without saying that the latest developments in the industry like the Internet of Things (IoT) and ICT would also get advantages which are acting as a steppingstone of transforming these Indian cities into practically smart cities.

The role of e-governance in smart cities management is crucial and that is where PruTech Solutions comes into the picture with our state-of-the-art services.

Learn more about our Smart Governance and Smart City Solutions here.

For operations management, Integrated Command Center or the ICCC handles foremost and important intelligence. Data of complex nature is processed at a comprehensive level. Therefore, command and control centers’ intelligence is important for formulating policies and better planning. Information is collected through various sensors and software which are placed across a certain terrain. Post analysis of information or data some workable input is put forward to act upon.

In India, the Integrated Control Room has been set up in a few cities under smart city schemes. With the help of necessary software and sensory systems, informed decisions have brought in new perspectives. When implemented, it is important to gauge the efficiency of the ICCCs.

The answer to the question, ‘what is an Integrated Command and Control Centre?’ is a simple one. For admins, it works as a Decision Support System, which would take results-oriented action after calculating data collected from sensory systems. This integrated operation center has a diverse process.

There are quite a few use cases of an ICCC:

  • Raise alarms of circumstances among civic authorities by working up the required software
  • It can put together all the data from various departments of a government for better efficiency on results
  • It can make decisions that are result-oriented in the time of emergency or even on regular days
  • It connects with the supporting labour to handle the grassroot level grievances
  • Processes are regulated to manage emergencies
  • For any emergency or usual operation, the ICCC creates an opportunity of decision making which is data-driven

Command and Control Centre Solutions

To better the performance of a business, the use of technology is imperative. Modern technology can monitor and control costly assets, information, and systems. These Command-and-Control Centre Solutions can be used in any of the control centers, meeting rooms, or operation facilities. These solutions can help the functioning of vital city resources.

Command and Control Centre Solutions can be customized as per the needs of an organization or its demands. These solutions can also be made for easier room control structures or even for extremely complicated ones.

The Command and Control Centre Solutions can gain acceleration through Audio & Video technology which work as monitoring systems. Other processes that can boost its results are the mix of value-added services. Besides all of these, the expertise of dedicated professionals is always needed to get the best efficiency out of ICCC systems.

Explore our Smart Governance Solutions and learn all about Command and Control Centres, Smart Cities, eGovernance, and more.