The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the global housing crisis, pushing the number of people living in slums to over 1 billion, according to a UN report. Consequently, the urgency to design and deploy smart cities has become a moral imperative. Smart governance, which utilizes technology and innovation to improve governance, plays a pivotal role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations in 2015. In this article, we will explore the critical importance of smart governance in advancing sustainable development and realizing the SDGs.

Harnessing Data for Informed Decision-Making:

Smart governance empowers decision-makers with the ability to collect, analyze, and utilize data for informed decision-making. Through technologies such as big data analytics, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things, governments can gain valuable insights into various aspects of sustainable development. Data-driven approaches help identify areas with high poverty rates, monitor environmental indicators, and optimize resource allocation, enabling targeted interventions and ensuring accountability in achieving the SDGs.

Enhancing Citizen Participation and Engagement:

Smart governance promotes citizen participation and engagement in decision-making processes. Digital platforms and mobile applications allow governments to gather feedback, conduct surveys, and involve citizens in policy formulation. This inclusivity empowers communities to contribute to sustainable development efforts, aligning with SDG 16’s emphasis on inclusive and participatory decision-making at all levels. By leveraging technology, governments can bridge the gap between citizens and policymakers, fostering transparency, trust, and collaboration.

Improving Service Delivery and Efficiency:

Smart governance enables governments to provide public services more efficiently and effectively. Digital platforms streamline administrative processes, making it easier for citizens to access services such as healthcare, education, and social welfare. Technologies like blockchain enhance transparency and reduce corruption by creating tamper-proof records. These advancements in service delivery contribute to SDG 9 (industry, innovation, and infrastructure) by ensuring equal access to essential services for all.

Strengthening Resilience and Disaster Management:

Smart governance plays a crucial role in building resilience and managing disasters. Real-time data and predictive analytics enable governments to identify vulnerabilities and respond swiftly to emergencies. Early warning systems powered by smart sensors help mitigate the impact of natural disasters and protect vulnerable populations. These efforts align with SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities) and SDG 13 (climate action) as smart governance facilitates the development of resilient infrastructure and effective climate change adaptation strategies.

Fostering Public-Private Partnerships:

Smart governance encourages collaboration between governments, private sector entities, and civil society organizations. Through public-private partnerships, innovative solutions are developed to address complex sustainable development challenges. Technology companies’ expertise in areas such as renewable energy, smart transportation, and waste management can be harnessed. These partnerships promote knowledge sharing and unlock new opportunities for sustainable growth, contributing to various SDGs.

Effective Ways to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals:

  • Promoting transparency and accountability: Smart governance tools promote transparency and accountability in decision-making processes, reducing corruption and increasing trust between citizens and the government. Real-time data and analytics ensure policies and programs are tailored to citizens’ needs.
  • Improving service delivery: Smart governance optimizes resource allocation, reduces bureaucratic delays, and enables easy access to government services through digital service delivery platforms and open data platforms.
  • Enhancing citizen engagement: Smart governance tools facilitate citizen engagement and participation in decision-making through e-participation platforms, allowing citizens to provide feedback and suggestions.
  • Supporting data-driven decision-making: Smart governance provides real-time data and analytics for informed decision-making, enabling governments to assess the effectiveness of policies and programs.
  • Promoting innovation: Smart governance fosters innovation by leveraging emerging technologies such as blockchain, enabling secure and transparent transactions.
  • Supporting environmental sustainability: Smart governance supports environmental sustainability by promoting renewable energy, waste reduction, and sustainable practices in agriculture and industry. Data analytics help identify viable renewable energy sources and allocate resources accordingly.


Smart governance is a moral imperative for advancing sustainable development goals in the face of increasing slum populations worldwide. By harnessing the power of data, enhancing citizen participation, improving service delivery, strengthening resilience, and fostering partnerships, governments can overcome the challenges of sustainable development. As we embrace a more interconnected and digitized future, smart governance will continue to play a crucial role in creating sustainable and inclusive societies worldwide.

At PruTech, we recognize the significance of smart governance in achieving the SDGs. Our expertise in emerging technologies such as Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and IoT allows us to develop innovative solutions that embody the principles of good governance. Through our actionable data-driven approach, administrators can improve service delivery mechanisms and drive sustainable development. Together, let us embrace smart governance as the pathway to a more sustainable future.

To learn more, contact us Contact 24/7 – PruTech (

The digitization of services has transformed the way businesses operate, enabling them to provide more efficient services to their customers. It has also made monitoring of various resources easier by digitizing processes, which can be tracked and analyzed more effectively. However, despite these benefits, extreme situations such as natural disasters can cause significant damage to both data and infrastructure, disrupting operations and causing long-term harm.

To address this issue, it is necessary to have a robust disaster management system in place. Such a system can help organizations handle unprecedented situations with more insightful data and enable early intervention, reducing the impact of the damage caused due to the disaster.

Disaster management solutions include a wide range of activities such as identifying potential disasters, classifying them based on their characteristics, and monitoring their development.

  1. Information processing and distribution system – The system can collect and process data from various sources such as vehicle sensors, public utility systems, traffic control rooms, power and water distribution systems, and other government services. The processed data can be used to improve service delivery and enhance citizen experience.
  2. Emergency detection system – The system can use various technologies such as sensors, alarms, and real-time data processing to detect emergencies and provide early warnings to relief teams. This can help in reducing the response time and saving more lives and properties.
  3. Road information system – The system can monitor various parameters such as traffic density, CCTV images, rash driving, and accident-prone areas. The data collected can be used to implement better road safety measures and improve road utilization, resulting in reduced accidents and improved traffic management.
  4. Interdependent critical infrastructural elements and smart systems – The interdependence between various critical infrastructures and smart systems can create additional resources that can be utilized during emergency situations. This can help in achieving stability and reducing the impact of disasters.
  5. Integrated resilience system – The collaborative approach between critical infrastructures in smart cities can lead to a more effective disaster management system. The system can utilize the strengths of each infrastructure to create a comprehensive solution that can handle any emergency situation effectively.
  6. Data-driven approach – Using the latest technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and data analytics can help in identifying potential disaster risks, assessing the impact of disasters, and predicting the potential consequences. This can enable organizations to take timely and informed decisions to mitigate the impact of disasters.

Disaster management involves four stages:

  1. Mitigation – The process can involve various steps such as identifying potential disaster risks, assessing their impact, and implementing measures to reduce their impact. These measures can include structural changes, process improvements, and training programs for the workforce.
  2. Recovery – The process can involve restoration and rehabilitation services to help affected individuals and organizations recover from the impact of disasters. These services can include financial assistance, mental health counseling, and temporary accommodation.
  3. Preparedness – The process can involve planning, training, and educating people about the steps to follow during a disaster. This can include creating emergency kits, establishing communication channels, and conducting mock drills to simulate emergency situations.
  4. Response – The process can involve prioritizing personal safety and well-being during the initial response phase. This can include evacuating affected areas, providing medical assistance, and establishing communication channels for affected individuals and organizations. The process can also involve establishing command centers and coordinating relief efforts with various stakeholders.


The digitization of services has enabled businesses to operate more efficiently and monitor resources more effectively. However, extreme situations such as natural disasters can still cause significant damage to data and infrastructure. A robust disaster management system that includes identification, classification, and monitoring of incidents can help organizations reduce the impact of such disasters and enable them to respond more effectively to such situations.

Disasters can strike at any moment and can cause a tremendous amount of damage to infrastructure, data, and lives. Therefore, it is essential to have a robust disaster management system in place that can help organizations handle any unprecedented issues with insightful data and early intervention. A data-driven approach using the latest technologies and methods to minimize the impact is the need of the hour. In this context, PruTech, a leading provider of effective and robust disaster management solutions, offers expertise in implementing the latest technology methodologies to plan, mitigate, prepare, and respond to disasters.

To learn more, contact us Contact 24/7 – PruTech (

Emerging technologies are transforming the way people are working and living, and have untapped potential to revolutionize governance. Good governance is the cornerstone of every government and administrative agency. However, citizens are failing to give it due attention owing to a lack of policy awareness and bureaucratic complexity. In the traditional governance model, accessing a government facility involves days’ worth of follow-ups, paperwork, and technical limitations. These issues can be addressed through SMART governance.

SMART governance helps governments create a digital community involving its governing bodies, citizens, and businesses to streamline information sharing, service accessibility, and grievance redressal.

In this article, we understand what SMART governance is and the role it plays in building a Smart City.

What is SMART Governance?

SMART Governance is the application of technology to innovate, facilitate and support the planning and implementation of democratic processes and governance. This concept enables government bodies to deliver services efficiently through a sustainable and transparent approach. It is touted as the next big revolution in the national transformation after the agriculture and industrial revolutions.

In essence, SMART Governance is described as a governance model that is Simple, Moral, Accountable, Responsive, and Transparent.

Simple: Simplifying rules and processes issued by the government through emerging technologies such as ICTs (Information Communication Technologies).

Moral: Introducing ethical and moral values within the political and administrative ecosystem by removing human biases, errors, and illegal activities like corruption.

Accountable: Holding public functionaries and offices accountable for the civic services provided through an effective performance management system.

Responsive: Streamlining communication and collaboration across government bodies to accelerate service delivery through a highly responsive workflow.

Transparent: Making the entire ecosystem transparent by enforcing rule of law and making administrative agencies responsible through actions like releasing government documents to the public domain.

How does SMART Governance Solution Help in Smart City Development?

Data-Driven Policy Making

Government bodies are required to make critical decisions on a daily basis, which affect the lives of all its citizens. With SMART governance, administrators can access, process, and analyze citizen data to produce policy insights. With an inflow of data from vehicle sensors, traffic cameras, and power and water meters, government departments can identify key areas of urban planning, public amenities, and transport.

With a robust data management mechanism, you can collect a high influx of data from multiple sources and transform it to power your value-creation and decision-making machinery.

Advanced Reporting

Generating extensive reports identifying relevant metrics helps governments measure administration performance, grievance redressal TAT, and so on. SMART governance empowers agencies to analyze patterns of public expenditure on different sectors of the economy, tracking relevant sustainable development goals, reviewing trends of cropped areas, usage of public services like water, power, waste management and transportation, and civic safety measures. Further, administrators can view and remediate right from a comprehensive, single-window dashboard.

Enhanced Engagement

With SMART governance, administrators can offer on-demand services customized for the specific needs of individuals and businesses. In this age of personalization and instant gratification, real-time provisioning is crucial to delight citizens and increase their engagement with administrative agencies. The interaction between the government and its citizens is important for better governance and quality of life. Big data frameworks and real-time feedback systems can be utilized to improve citizen engagement by involving them in policy decision-making and disbursal of welfare programs.

Inter-department Cohesion

In a traditional governmental setup, you have multiple departments working for the same end goal – citizen service. Yet, the siloed operations of the government functionaries are leading to delayed services and dissatisfaction among citizens. SMART governance solves this problem by bringing every department and administration arm under one digital platform. By implementing an Integrated Command and Control Centre (ICCC), the collaboration and communication between the departments can be improved significantly. It is possible due to the free flow of information between departments, collective ownership, and process transparency.

Challenges of Implementing SMART Governance

Public Literacy

The evident socio-economic divide leading to digital illiteracy in society poses a serious challenge for the implementation of SMART governance. Although the penetration of smartphones and the affordable rate of the internet have made things better, ease of use and smooth user journey and experience will break the barrier.

Operational Costs

SMART governance will need a considerable investment to begin operations. It includes building the hardware and software infrastructure, securing the systems, hiring and training a workforce, and educating people. However, in the long-term, the ROI makes it up for all the costs.

Lack of Awareness

Lack of trust, attention, and interest in local administration among citizens is yet another barrier to SMART governance. It falls on the governing agencies to initiate awareness campaigns to increase citizen participation leading to an empowered citizenry and better services.

SMART Governance Trends

Information Communication Technology (ICT)

Citizen engagement is one of the core tenets of  SMART governance. ICT facilitates real-time interaction between individuals and governing authorities transforming the delivery of information and services. Its immense potential in building an information-based ecosystem powering citizen-conversational services.

Social Listening

Social media is an exceptional medium for governing agencies to reach out to citizens as almost 70 – 80% of them have their presence on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. Further, they receive genuine and real-time feedback on the issues they’re facing through social listening i.e. through keeping a track of the conversations around governance. Maintaining a healthy social media presence makes government bodies user-friendly and easily approachable.

Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT implementation helps administrators remotely control facilities like street lights, waste disposal management, and the water supply chain. By setting up sensors across the city for different services and collecting data at a centralized control center and disbursing the services accordingly. However, the IoT governance model should be transparent and collaborative with shared responsibility between the agencies and citizens.


SMART Governance enables governments to achieve enhanced governance, social inclusion, citizen engagement, and economic growth. However, there are a few key steps that should precede before implementing the technology-led governance such as educating citizens, training authorities, setting up goals, strategizing service deliveries, and linking it with policy making.

PruTech is an industry leader in building a roadmap, designing solutions, and implementing SMART Governance. Our expertise in emerging technologies like Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and IoT helps us in deploying solutions laying good governance principles. PruTech’s Solutions help administrators advance their service delivery mechanism through actionable data.

Smart cities are a powerful concept for ensuring improved citizen lifestyles and managing dramatic shifts of population to urban areas. Rapid urbanization is an opportunity to connect citizens with services within a digital ecosystem. This leads to effectively building intelligent cities that are powered by data. However, maintaining such a scale of interconnection and information needs groundbreaking technology. The effective functioning of the smart city relies on a command and control center sitting at the core of all the operations. A city with an integrated command control center (ICCC) at the helm can reduce operational costs and resource usage, besides promoting quality of life and better communication between the government and its citizens.

In this article, we will learn what ICCC is and everything you need to know about its implementation in the government sector.

What is ICCC?

Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) is a powerful platform that enables cities to leverage real-time data, drive insights and deliver services. This informed and situational decision-making approach allows the city administrators in moving away from the traditional and inefficient silo-ed departmental approach.

By building a connected ecosystem, ICCCs help the cities in accurately mapping data and services to the requirements of the citizens, while optimizing governance. They significantly optimize the city’s functioning by emphasizing the role of technology.

Below are the key advantages of ICCCs:

  • Reduce operational complexity by bringing multiple departments on a single platform
  • Improve governance efficiency by enabling intelligence-led decisions
  • Better data analysis and sharing to predict and prepare for disasters effectively

An effective Integrated Command and Control Center that is implemented seamlessly has the potential to streamline city functioning sustainably.

How does ICCC work?

ICCC, popularly known as the brain or nerve center of the city, works at an aggregated level processing complex data to enable governance bodies to introduce enhanced policies and planning. Ideally, ICCC constantly collects data from several sensors, applications, and other monitoring devices placed at various locations across the city. The data recorded could be from utilities like water, energy, waste management, and transportation. 

After a thorough analysis of this data through data processing and modeling, it generates visualized suggestions and recommendations. This actionable data is used in defining workflows.

In essence, a city-wide network is built through applications and sensors to improve governance in a detailed and measurable manner.

Applications of ICCC

ICCC forms a one-point operational headquarters for the city administration to manage the entire city through the incoming flow of data and visualized analysis. Some of the applications of ICCC are discussed below:

Crisis Management

When a disaster strikes – either city-wide like floods or area-wide like fire mishaps – ICCC will be in a better position to respond. As the center is connected to all the CCTV cameras and similar data points across the city, it gets firsthand and accurate data to act on. It can easily mobilize appropriate personnel to tackle the issue in a comprehensive approach.

For example, during the occurrences of floods, ICCC can issue city-wide alerts asking citizens to avoid a particular region. Using historical data, it can deploy necessary resources across vulnerable regions proactively.

Safeguarding Citizens

One of the primary responsibilities of the civil administration is to protect citizens and make them feel safe. By keeping a track of all the CCTV cameras, police personnel, sensitive areas, and rapid action teams in real-time, the administrators can draw out a comprehensive workflow.

In case of emergencies like riots, epidemics, or forest fires, the cities can access an instant video feed or heat signatures. This data will help in alerting authorities closest to the incident area. The city administrators can also implement timely traffic diversions and safe zone indicators.

Crime Predictions

By analyzing historical and latest crime data, cities can highlight unsafe streets or localities and deploy forces strategically. In addition to accessing real-time video feed from such flagged regions, an automated alert mechanism can be installed. Such that, an action force is dispatched quickly to the location any time a distress call like screaming or gunshots is noticed.

The administrators can also implement smart street lighting management and carry out automated drone surveillance along with mobile patrolling units.

Solid Waste Management

Keeping the city clean involves a consistent process to manage solid wastes by improving cleanliness in public places including public toilet facilities. The cities can mark locations that see high footfall, or places that see high numbers of complaints about garbage and dead animals. Through data analysis, they can design more frequent trips of garbage collection vehicles from such areas.

Tracking footfalls at public toilets can enable the city administrators in optimizing services such as water supply, maintenance, and citizen complaints. By installing sensors at public garbage bins and pickup vehicles, they can generate real-time reports on operational efficiency.

Water Supply Monitoring

From visibility into water levels in reservoirs and dams to assessing the health of the pipeline network, the administrators can assume absolute control of the water supply within the city. By recording the water usage/wastage trends at different nodes, they can effectively ration the supply and redirect the excess supply to localities that are facing water shortages.

It can also help in continuously monitoring water quality right from the storage to the distribution centers through the pipelines. ICCC also helps in managing, mapping, and optimizing trips that water tankers make across the city.

Civic Healthcare Delivery

By collecting and processing data from hospitals across the city, the ICCC can predict any epidemics or pandemics. Further, it enables the city administration to take necessary measures to contain the spread. It also helps in keeping a track of the disbursement of medicines or vaccines through hospitals and on-field medical staff.

The cities can also conduct awareness drives or health campaigns in targeted areas. It can trigger mass communication on preventive healthcare to citizens through email, SMS, and Whatsapp. The governance bodies can further implement mobile medical units by planning regular trips to the regions that are prone to accidents.

Traffic Planning

With complete visibility into traffic volume, peak transit windows and routes, and vehicle types, the city administrators can plan public transport options such as buses or metro trains. They can also coordinate traffic signals right from the center and coordinate the flow of traffic.

The administrators can issue guidelines or recommendations on routes to follow to avoid traffic congestion. The data also helps them predict accident-prone junctions or crossroads and implement mitigation strategies.


The ICCC gives governments and authorities an unprecedented advantage in managing, monitoring, and operating various amenities through real-time data. Although we just mentioned 7 key areas where ICCC adds significant value, there are many other use cases such as service delivery, civic grievances, and environmental challenges among other things.

At PruTech, we design solutions that help governments in streamlining complex data collection, processing, modeling, and visualization to conclude actionable insights. Assisting authorities with intelligence and smart control mechanisms, PruTech’s solutions form a complementary resource.

Digital Transformation signifies the process of incorporating certain new digital technology tools and practices by an organization that was not previously used for developing the foundations of commercial growth. Investment in digital transformation in the form of automated products and services was viewed as a new alternative to commercial growth, with relevance in an increasingly contemporary world.

In this context, digital technology products and services include new modern communication channels, new service delivery platforms with more scope of services, internal users, external stakeholders, data-oriented decision making, business process management based on larger data warehouses,  and new real-time procurement mechanisms.

Key Developments in Government due to Digital Transformation

Certain outcomes of the Digital Transformation Services include –

  • Data-oriented and data-informed decision making for the advantage of positive agreement with the consensus
  • Promotion of transparency, openness, and access to information
  • Design-empowered work processes – Service delivery achieved with discovery and prototyping
  • Iterative – execution of more business sharpness, alertness by achieving work practices with clever working methods in the form of constant feedback workflows
  • User-focused way of operating with an emphasis on digital technology user needs and testing
  • Enhanced interoperability – developing the potential and scope of services with commercial data sharing using functions leading to process optimization for transforming the process to be effective
  • Privacy and latest security – preventing unauthorized access of commercial data and systems
  • Decrease labor needs, and operational costs to catalyze business growth with automation

Synopsis on Digital Transformation in the Public Sector Services

Government performs a significant role in the public sector services, working with constructive conduct, and administration. eGovernment path and automation of paper-oriented processes have resulted in the shift of focus from whole-organization to digitally empowered organizations. Digital transformation project implies new workflows and systems that are prioritized for digital to be aligned with the organization’s core service portfolio developing their potential to quickly reconfigure, adapting to new digitization practices. Innovation in the public sector can be achieved with the incorporation of new, uncommon, original digital products and services for more realistic development. 

Invest in automated products, automated services,  Cloud Computing Services software, and modern practices that deliver services for an advanced ecosystem according to the changing business needs.

5 Strategies for Accelerating Public Sector Digital Transformation

  • Develop effectiveness with service promotion through mass media communication and transparency of social factors that empower the public community.
  • Alignment of work processes, smart governance solutions, and smart cities with Urban Transformational Services must be prioritized. This can be achieved with constant and long-lasting technologies that develop the scope of a powerful ecosystem.
  • Connecting with new investors, navigating the digital divide, upgrading government transaction services, and enabling more data-empowered government processes will be beneficial.
  • Strengthening citizen satisfaction with results of stakeholder engagement, customer involvement for more service reach, and engagement is beneficial.
  • Fulfilling the needs of advancing demographics at a fast pace and saving costs are significant priorities.
  • Benefits of Smart governance solutions and services

Smart Governance Services develop the internal commercial processes of governments and offer the best valuable information with service delivery. They also provide greater government transparency for no corruption, emphasize political trust, and encourage democratic practices with public involvement.

  • Smart city and urban transformational services

According to valuable insights from Mordor Intelligence, the smart government market is estimated to develop at a growth rate of 17.28% in the global context, from the span of 2021 to 2026. Smart government services were financially positioned from USD 11.3 billion in the year 2017 to 28.2 billion in the year 2022. This indicates the greater scope for upcoming developments considering urban transformational services.

  • Disaster management solutions

Change in the way governance works and change in the way the public sector operates with the use of renowned digital technologies is essential. Upgrade with the use of smart governance services with digital transformation for disaster management.

Upcoming Trends considering Public Sector Digital Transformation

  •   The versatility of commercial data infrastructure and data warehouse

Increase the scope of digital products and services used to recover from the pandemic challenges with uncertain future challenges. Develop scalability signifying an increase in the amount, intensity, ability, and extent of services, according to changing business needs.

  • Progress with artificial intelligence and prominence of automation

Enable use of prominent technologies like Robotic Process Automation, and Artificial Intelligence that will prevent manual work from achieving quick service delivery and workload management. Saving time and money by automation of manual tasks with Artificial Intelligence-powered virtual assistants, chatbots, and virtual doctors will be widely reported.

  • Unlock innovation with Cloud Solutions for service delivery with quality assurance

In the context of a remote workforce, due to a pandemic, the Government adopted Cloud Computing Services for the creation of new modern platforms for virtual service delivery and fulfilling service objectives. Cloud Computing Services offered the perfect transition and shift to telework operating method, without interruptions.

  • Operate with government digital data architecture and digital public workforce

Creating and establishing a digital infrastructure is essential to developing the digital drive of the government. Digital-literate staff and workforce are equally significant. Pandemic emphasized the rising need for a digitally updated staff that is tech-savvy for the objective of a digitally literate public workforce. The government is working out by training their staff to be digital intellectuals.

  • Catalyze commercial growth with digital people, principles, and processes

Digitally equipped people, and principles with processes can build the foundation and cause commercial growth. Citizen improvements can be achieved when citizens are connected to digital solutions with access. Public infrastructure with more access to digital solutions must be promoted, specifically less privileged communities.

  • Developing the spending of digital infra, modernizing infrastructure equipped with systematic technology, fiber networks for internet accesses, and bridging the gap between least and majorly online connected communities are the priorities.

Building credibility in the form of trust with customer-oriented capabilities and Cloud-Data Technology insights will enhance digital transformation in public sector services. A united and well-connected approach to all public sector factors is the need of the hour for redefining digital capabilities. 

Explore the role of digital transformation services for business growth. Get essential and beneficial consultation from us here.

Maximize the speed of response, operational reach, and location access

PruTech’s Mobile Command Post will help decrease the operating and intervention time and increase the efficiency of the monitoring, identification, and emergency intervention. A Mobile Command Post is a perfect way to provide interoperability between local government, ambulance, police, firemen, and civil protection.


  • Power generator
  • Fully integrated communication systems
  • Emergency calls dispatch system with recording capabilities
  • Audio/video conference terminal
  • Video surveillance with real-time streaming – PTZ and Bullet Cameras
  • Public Address System
  • GSM/SATTELITE Connectivity System
  • 2 Desktops/Laptops of Latest Configuration
  • 32 Inch TV for Monitoring
  • UPS
  • Heavy-duty AC systems for operator and equipment compartments
  • Vehicle rescue equipment


  • Encrypted VSAT communication terminal
  • Miscellaneous equipment: weather station, spectrum Analyzer


  • Mobility
  • Heavy-duty chassis for off-road capabilities
  • Reaction speed improvement in case of emergency operations, assuring efficient monitoring, identification, and intervention
  • Centralized management ensures superior performance of the system
  • Designed for the safety and comfort of personnel during extended operations
  • Equipment modularity

To know more about PruTech’s Mobile Command Post solutions, contact us here.

The Disaster Management Unit of the Government of Maharashtra has awarded PruTech Solutions the Design, Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Operation, and Maintenance of Incident Response System (IRS) Solution project as per the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) IRS Guidelines.

The scope of work for this project largely includes:

  • Commissioning of IRS web application
  • Provisioning of enterprise IRS software licenses for all districts, blocks, and departments
  • Hosting the IRS application in a cloud environment with necessary OS, bandwidth, storage
  • Supply, installation, and commissioning of desktop, printer, UPS, and LAN cabling at State Emergency Operations Centre (SEOC) and District Emergency Operations Centre (DEOC)
  • Provisioning of training of the web application and provisioning of manpower for support
  • Annual technical support/maintenance for two years

The overall objective of the project is to minimize loss of life and property by strengthening and standardizing the disaster response mechanism. This will be achieved through more comprehensive, effective, swift, and well-planned action based on a well-conceived response mechanism. The IRS solution provides a participatory, well-structured, fail-safe, multi-disciplinary, multi-department and systems approach to guide administrative mechanisms at all levels of the Government. It also provides scope for the private sector, non–governmental organizations, community-based organizations, Panchayat Raj institutions, and communities to work seamlessly in the response activities.

The methodology will be equally useful for handling disasters such as earthquakes, floods, flash flooding, landslide, tsunami, cyclone, and lightning in the natural disasters category and chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) disasters and others in man-made disaster category. The application strengthens and enables the SEOC and the districts to plan for, respond to, and recover from any disaster. The application will be accessed in Emergency Operations Centres (EOC)s, Incident Command Posts (ICPO)s, and control rooms at various levels of administration.

Learn more about our Smart Governance Solutions here.

PruTech Solutions India participates in the Smart Cities India Expo 2022 held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi

28 March, New Delhi – PruTech India participated in the 7th Smart Cities India Expo 2021, India’s largest technology and infrastructure event, in celebrating India’s entrepreneurial spirit and the country’s booming start-up ecosystem. Indian startups are playing a critical part in the Indian growth narrative, ranging from Fintech, SaaS, IoT, AI, ML, VR, Blockchain, and Gaming to transformational Digital Technologies.

Relaying his experience, Ambika Prasad Mohapatra, Executive Vice President, PruTech Solutions India, said, “It was a great experience to be a part of this expo after two years of virtual events. The expo was a great platform for technology companies to network, scale, and celebrate with the community in-person. Kudos to the team!”

The team at PruTech Solutions exhibited their portfolio of solutions in Smart Cities including Disaster Management, Integrated Command and Control Center, Smart Poles, Cyber Security, Cloud Solutions and Managed Services, and more.

For more updates, follow PruTech Solutions India on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

About PruTech Solutions

PruTech Solutions is an industry-leading digital transformation organization that was founded in 1998. Its umbrella of services includes digital transformation, cyber security, smart governance, disaster management solutions, cloud consulting solutions, and professional services. PruTech Solutions has more than 7 offices worldwide and an army of over 650 consultants spread across India, the United States, and Mexico.

With over 1000 successful projects, PruTech Solutions has empowered some of the most disruptive, agile businesses. As a technology expert and business partner you can rely on, the organization delivers unprecedented digital transformation, cloud, and IT solutions.

For media queries, contact us at

In a 2016 report of New York City’s homeless program by the Department of Social Services, the administration called for an integrated management structure under an agency to support shared servers, minimize costs and streamline processes for its homeless prevention and re-housing programs. The re-housing and landlord management initiatives helped streamline the process of removing clients out of shelters and moving them into permanent housing and improving business relationships with landlords.

The DSS workers faced challenges while recruiting landlords to their programs, as it involved a burdensome paper-based application. The process required landlords to submit documents multiple times for each tenant that introduced many errors in the process. This became a burden for landlords, wastes agency resources, and slows down the process of moving clients out of shelters.

Through the re-housing program, DSS issued more than 350,000 paper checks, which the administration found to be inefficient, expensive, and not the ideal payment method for their landlords. DSS wanted to implement an intuitive landlord management solution that helps them meet their goals that comprise of three components:

  • Landlord Management System
  • Landlord Portal
  • Integration Services

Download our case study to learn more about the key features of the solution.

NYC Opportunity, a part of The Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity, aims at facilitating innovative product development and cross-agency data sharing that make it convenient for residents to access the resources, support, and opportunities they need.

To support this, NYC Opportunity manages the legacy HHS-Connect enterprise architecture, governance framework, and digital product portfolio. This also includes Worker Connect – a web-based application that provides caseworkers with a consolidated view of client data integrated from multiple case management systems.

The client wanted PruTech Solutions to upgrade and modernize Worker Connect and the Connect System Components for NYC Opportunity’s growing portfolio of integrated data services. Through the portfolio, NYC aims at providing the data infrastructure, capabilities, products, and services to support city initiatives that aim to create better opportunities and outcomes for city residents – particularly low-income and vulnerable residents.

Using modern technologies and expertise in digital transformation, PruTech improved and upgraded the integrated data services platform across NYC Agencies. The improvements will allow for effective and coordinated health and human services for the New Yorkers.

Download the complete case study to learn more.